Pastor Darron LaMonte Edwards is doing his best to navigate the church in this pandemic. No pastor in the history of modern Christianity has led through a time like this. Your prayers more than your criticism is appreciated. As the virus presents to us various mutations & variations, we must be wise and prudent in our decision making as it relates to mandates and meetings. The decisions that pastor makes may not be popular but it will be bathed in prayer.
ACCOMPLISHING THE MISSION IN A PANDEMIC Since March 2020, according to the Harversters Impact Report, we have distributed meals and groceries to over 350,000 individuals. According to the most recent report, we have acquired 719,483 pounds of food and household goods from Harvesters valued at $975,267,ooo.
Our meal program through Sysco Foods has helped to give out an additional $123,000.
Our Prison Fellowship initiative provided a Sports Camp along with our Angeltree Christmas. The events have touched the lives of over 500 children through our partnership with Hy-Vee Arena , Kansas City Police Department, and other supporting partners. This Sporting event was valued at $33,000 and our Angel Tree Christmas is valued at $17,500.
Also, through our partnership with Fellowship Church-Greenwood and with Kohl's Department store, we have given away over $55,000 in clothing. This means we have disseminated almost ONE MILLION DOLLARS in charitable relief!
Most importantly, we have led 181 souls to Christ through our weekly virtual, drive in, and in person worship services.
We have served the greater community with mobile food pantries, a polling location, developed a virtual academy for elementary students, and now we are begun our partnership with University of Missouri Kansas City to offer COVID-19 resources.
CHALLENGES IN THIS PANDEMIC All of this has been done while our ministry accomplishes our mission at 35.8% less in operating revenue.
HOW DO WE ACCOMPLISH ALL OF THIS? Our building usage has decreased-these cost savings have offset our increased technology expenses. When our building served as a virtual academy, it helped offset much of our mortgage payments. Our staff salaries have remained consistent with very little increase. Our non-profit partnerships continue to allow us to be innovative and creative in our approach to ministry that meets the needs of thousands (including our own church family) as noted above.
Our ministry has expanded. It has taken sound business decisions and keen spiritual insight to navigate this tenuous space in the life of the church in this post-quarantine culture.
We have done our best to keep our church family inspired, engaged, and updated through utilizing phone calls, text, online parties, and social media.
We have been featured on local, state, and national television, internet, & radio broadcast stations for our innovative approaches during this unprecedented time.
What adjustments will you make to Communion, Baptism, etc?
Communion will be administered by utilizing fellowship cups placed on a table in the foyer and each person will be responsible for grabbing their own fellowship cup. A fellowship cup combines the bread and beverage.
For your safety, Baptism will only be administered by deacons who have been vaccinated. The baptism candidate does not have to be vaccinated but must follow all normal protocols.
What about Sunday School and Small Groups?
Sunday School and all small groups will embrace a digital platform.
We will continue to offer you the best virtual Bible lessons and small group engagement via our digital services.
Are we continuing children’s church?
We are offering a hub format. Students will be meeting in their learning hub each first Sunday of the month. The remaining Sundays are used to live out what they have learned and reflection.
What are the main focuses of this church?
God has already uniquely positioned us with our HAM focus. Hunger & Homelessness, Advocacy work, and Mental health are and will be the emerging and growing trends and we are already focused to meet these needs.
Can UBCC host funerals during this time?
Yes, we can host a funeral at the church including repasts.
Can UBCC host weddings during this time?
Yes, we can host a wedding at the church including the reception.